Pump up Word’s inbuilt grammar and spell checker

grammar, magnifier, magnifying glass

The following article shows how to improve Microsoft Word and Outlook’s inbuild spelling and grammar checker:


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Episode 80 – 40 years of living with Dyslexia with Matthew Head

In this episode, I share my journey from an 18-year-old college student in 2002, riding a Honda CB400 Super 4 and studying Automotive Engineering, to achieving my dream career despite dyslexia. Ignoring career advisors’ push for university, I focused on my College course. Starting as a mechanic for Volvo, I soon sought more. A dream job testing engines required an Engineering Degree, leading to struggles with Imposter Syndrome. Yet, I completed my degree as a mature student, joining a graduate scheme at 30. Despite dyslexia, which I only began discussing in my 30s, I persevered with grit and determination. This episode delves into my challenges and successes with dyslexia, education, and career aspirations.