YouTube is a great resource for dyslexics and non-dyslexics alike, whether it’s educational content on how to use the new software package you just downloaded
YouTube is a great resource for dyslexics and non-dyslexics alike, whether it’s educational content on how to use the new software package you just downloaded
Text to speech software is a powerful tool for proofreading documents. Microsoft Word from 2019 onwards has a “read aloud” button under the review tab
An Amazon Kindle or any e-reader can be a powerful device getting you to read more books. As lovely as traditional books are to physically
Your friends may mock your quirky habits and your love of routine, however if you are anything like me with a very poor short-term memory,
OpenDyslexic and Dyslexie are fonts which are developed specifically for dyslexic people. OpenDyslexic is a good place to start as it is a free download
Audiobooks are a great gateway when reading is not your forte or if you are trying to improve your reading you can listen to what
Yes, the good old emoji. They’re not only a good way of illustrating your text messages without using words that may or may not be
If you have less than ideal handwriting then this hack may be for you. I discovered partway through my university course that using a Biro