Record a presentation and then write it down


Presentation to deliver at work or a best man speech? But you struggled to write speech out by hand and then learn it traditionally? Then don’t. Think about your speech while driving the car, having a shower, riding a motorbike. Talking out loud will give you a feel for how it will sound to your audience. Then use the audio notes app on your phone to record some initial ideas. Start making bullet points – you will be surprised how the speech starts to fall out of you and you can use the bullet points as prompts to refine your speech. This is how I approach my speechwriting now. Maybe a few scraps note here and there then work though it in my head, speaking out loud and refine it from there

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In this podcast episode, Donna Stevenson, Head of Training and Assessment at Success With Dyslexia (SWD), reflects on the evolving perception of dyslexia over the past 30 years. Highlighting changes since the 1990s, when dyslexia was not well-understood, Donna discusses the current shift in how companies view neurodiversity. Contrasting the limited teacher training on specific learning difficulties in the past, Donna emphasizes the growing awareness and acceptance of dyslexia in education and workplaces. Drawing from her extensive experience at the British Dyslexia Association (BDA), she shares insights into supporting both children and adults with dyslexia. Donna underscores the importance of sharing lived experiences to enhance understanding and foster success with dyslexia. Join her in exploring the transformation of dyslexia perceptions and her mission at SWD to provide global support through training and assessment.